iPhone 5: Could We Be Seeing Upgraded Camera & 1080p?
Yesterday we reported on Apple’s iPhone 5 and how we had heard an analystsspeculate into the new devices release date. His findings suggested that a trial version would see light of day around August time with a full production model set for September.
Well, now to stir up more excitement we have sourced some specification news as found by Alan over at PR News. It would seem that there is the possibility of the fifth generation sporting a 12.6 megapixel camera rather than the standard 5MP that we have become use to.
OmniVision who have been responsible for supplying Apple with its image takers, have released the larger camera sensor and as yet there have been no takers. This could be paving the way for the Cali company to place their orders.
Along with the 12.6MP sensor comes 1080p video support, with this addition to theiPhone 5, Apple will have a feather in their cap when competing with other smartphones on the market. There was a rumor reported by Redmond Pie suggesting that Apple might have been looking to Sony as a supplier for the camera technology, but this has not yet been confirmed.
Whoever ends up supplying the next gen iPhone with its camera, if it meets the speculated 12.6MP then the other manufacturers will indeed be looking to counter so as not to lose face against Apple’s all conquering iPhone.
Would you like to see an upgrade in the camera department for the fifth generation iPhone? Give us your thoughts.
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