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Google Consumer Surveys for Market Research and Website Satisfaction

Google now offers Google Consumer Surveys for Market Research and Website Owners. I’m not a huge proponent of companies developing their own surveys, it’s quite an undertaking for customer intelligence companies who research and develop strategies to capture accurate information. Someone plopping a couple questions on a form risks pushing their business in the wrong direction simply because of the manner they ask and acquire responses. Be careful.
Google Consumer Surveys is a fast, affordable, and accurate market research tool that helps you make informed business decisions by asking internet users survey questions. Users complete survey questions in order to access high-quality content around the web, and content publishers get paid as their users answer. Google automatically aggregates and analyzes responses through a simple online interface.
For Website Owners – A free satisfaction survey is placed directly on your website so you can get feedback right when it’s top of mind. To use the satisfaction survey, just copy and paste the code snippet into the page where you want to survey your users. They provide a monthly satisfaction tracker for free, and you can customize questions for just 1 cent per response.
For Market Research – Create surveys in minutes and access near instant Google-powered reports, charts, and insights. Get statistically significant, valid results at scale from real people, not biased panels.
  1. You create online surveys to gain consumer insight.
  2. People complete questions in order to access premium content.
  3. Publishers get paid as their visitors answer.
  4. You get nicely aggregated and analyzed data.
  5. You can also track the responses biweekly or monthly for trend analysis.
Pricing: Target a representative sample of the U.S., Canada, or UK Internet population for $0.10 per response or $150.00 for 1500 responses (recommended for statistical significance). If you’d like to segment the sample demographically, it’s $0.50 per response.


  1. I just got a check for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn by taking paid surveys at home...

    So I show them a video of myself actually getting paid over $500 for doing paid surveys.
